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How to Source the Best List for Your Healthcare E-mail Campaign

Written by PDQ | Jan 29, 2021 3:30:00 PM

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach healthcare professionals in this increasingly busy world. But finding the right contact info for those who would benefit most from your message can be tricky.

To execute a successful email marketing campaign, you need to reach the right people. To do that, you must enlist a firm that has access to thousands of accurate and targeted contacts.

Here's how to find the best healthcare provider email marketing list.

Determine who you’re trying to reach.

What are you trying to accomplish by sending this communication? Who is it relevant to? Physical therapists likely don’t have the same interests as cardiologists or neurologists, so before you even begin researching email lists, you need to determine who the target audience will be.


Research email list providers.

Go beyond your own lists and research HCP email marketing lists to ensure you’re not simply reaching out to the same contacts again and again. 

While there is no shortage of available lists, don’t simply pick the first candidate you come across. Find a provider that offers the most robust and accurate HCP lists which are refreshed and updated regularly. The provider should also offer the ability to target the list based on factors such as: physician specialty, geographic location, prescribing habits, and more.

Look for the following guarantees when choosing an email list provider:

  • They guarantee their lists are clean (and they will walk you through how they do this if you ask for clarification).
  • The provider can format and deploy your campaign and has the expertise to keep your message out of spam filters.
  • They offer full metric reporting so you can see in detail how your campaign performed.
  • They offer guaranteed open rates.


Ensure your lists are clean.

While there’s plenty of information available on the web, make sure your lists have a high level of integrity, or else you could end up with low engagement rates, being reported for spam, and even facing penalties for sending spam, depending on where your recipients are located.

To ensure cleanliness, confirm the following:

    • How these lists were compiled. Were they cobbled together by crawling healthcare websites and gathering publicly available email addresses, or received directly from HCPs for the express purpose of being contacted about marketing initiatives?
    • Opt-in. Did the HCPs agree to receive emails? Double opt-ininitially agreeing to receive communications and subsequently confirmingis the gold standard.

Work with a firm that has access to exclusive lists and utilizes proven deployment tactics.

Deployment is as important as copy when it comes to an effective email marketing campaign that translates to higher ROI. Everything from subject lines, to distribution times, to the responsive design of the e-mail itself, matters when it comes to open rates and engagement.

At PDQ Communications, we have access to the most robust lists encompassing all healthcare specialties including physicians, nurses, NPs, PAs, Pharmacists, and more. And we work every day to improve and perfect our e-mail deliverability rates, which currently average over 99%. We are so obsessed with deliverability that we wrote the email marketing best practices (e)book on it.

We practice echo deployment, meaning we send out your communication to your chosen lists, and then re-deploy one week later to anyone who did not yet open the first email. This increases unique open rates and meaningful engagement of your message.

Most importantly, we work with you to ensure we deploy your message to the right healthcare provider, at the right time, to make the most impact.


PDQ Communications takes a consultative approach to email marketing, working with you to reach the right audience, at the right time, every time. Contact us today to learn more.