PDQ Insights

Essential Healthcare Marketing Strategies & Tactics to Maximize Your Results
Stay ahead of the curve with effective healthcare marketing strategies and tactics designed to help you reach and engage your HCP audience while maximizing results.
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The Most Important Pieces of a Successful HCP Marketing Strategy
The most important aspects of a successful HCP marketing strategy include targeting the right audience, maintaining your contact and mailing lists, and more.
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Most Impactful HCP Engagement Strategies
Effective HCP engagement combines targeted content, on-demand resources, seamless communications, creative direct mail, and streamlined automation.
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Non-Personal Promotion (NPP): Examples, Trends & Challenges
NPPs encompass engagement and communication channels used to connect with audiences, and have largely replaced face-to-face interactions in HCP marketing.
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Engaging Direct Mail Ideas to Target HCPs
The most engaging direct mail elements include scratch-offs, 3D pop-ups, slide out and pull away displays, and more.
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The Key Elements of Physician Segmentation & Targeting, Explained
Successful physician segmentation and targeting considers factors such as prescribing behavior, claims data, and preferred methods of contact, among others.
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The Benefits of Using Automation in Your HCP Marketing
Healthcare marketers can leverage automation for segmentation, lead management, email marketing, and workflows to achieve better results.
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Measuring the Success of an HCP Marketing Campaign
The most important KPIs for HCP campaigns include open rates, website engagement, customer acquisition cost, customer lifetime value, conversion rates, MQLs, and ROI.
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The Top 4 HCP Marketing Strategies to Pay Attention to in 2024
Elevate HCP marketing in 2024 and beyond with enhanced personalization, content marketing, direct mail, and an omni-channel approach.
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Positioning Your Direct-to-Physician Marketing Campaigns for Success
Targeting the right HCP audience, utilizing the most effective communication channels, and measuring your success are critical aspects of direct-to-physician marketing.
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