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Segmentation is the key to successful pharmaceutical marketing, especially as more and more companies move operations online and competition increases. Studies show that not only do B2B customers expect a personalized experience (one that clearly demonstrates you know who they are and what they’re interested in), but that proper segmentation increases open rates, lead conversions, and revenue.


If you're an HCP marketing professional, segmenting lists for pharmaceutical campaigns is second nature to you. You've already done the rigorous internal and external research, mining your customer service and sales teams for information on pain points and successes in current campaigns, surveying clients about what works and doesn't work for them. Your demographic and psychographic research is comprehensive, and you've figured out the buying habits and past behaviors of prospects. Segmentation is not a skill you need to learn.

But even the most well-segmented campaign means little if you don’t deploy your messaging in the right way, at the right place, to the right HCP. You need to ensure your target audience sees these messages.

Here’s how.

Hire a trusted HCP communications firm to deploy your messages.

Successful deployment is a skill that takes years of experience to perfect. When you work with a communications firm like PDQ, you’ll have access to experts who can match your segmentations to exclusive lists, deploy at the right time, track performance, and ensure your message is seen. 

When you choose PDQ, you gain:

Access to Exclusive Lists

We’ll match your segmentations with targeted lists we own and have exclusive access to. We regularly update our lists, scrub for Kaiser, and process for tracking so you’ll always have access to clean, accurate information, increasing your chances of being seen and heard.

That means your message is spread to an even wider (but still relevant) audience.

Expert, Precision Deployment

There’s no shortage of statistics on how to send email to ensure good open rates. Should you send on a Tuesday morning or a Wednesday afternoon? To emoji or not to emoji?

PDQ knows how to do this, and then some. From HTML responsive design to image embeds, we know all the small details that matter when it comes to successful email deployment. We even wrote the book on it: download our ebook detailing the best practices for sending the most successful emails possible.


Each of our email campaigns includes echo deployment, which means we send out your email, and in five to seven days, we resend it to recipients who didn’t open your message the first time around. This is proven to dramatically increase ROI.

Finally, we do A/B testing so we can pinpoint the exact language and layout that works best, and use this to improve future campaigns.

Multichannel Marketing

Multichannel marketing is the most effective means of communicating with your targets, so you should be thinking bigger than email. We don't only deploy email, we also produce and distribute direct mail using unique, memorable designs and those same exclusive target lists.

Consultative Approach

Our agency is focused on building relationships based on trust and communication. We listen to your pain points and do what is best for you and your campaign. We don’t practice cookie-cutter deployment; we know every client has different needs, and we cater to those needs.

PDQ Communications can help you deploy a well-segmented campaign that effectively reaches your most critical HCPs, every time. To find out how, contact us today.

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