PDQ Insights

Why You Should Be Marketing to Nurses
HCP marketers should include nurses in their marketing strategies because of their importance to the healthcare field, influence, and accessibility.
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Marketing to Specialty Pharmacies
Tailoring your messaging to emphasize how your products and services improve patient outcomes can help you successfully market to specialty pharmacies.
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How to Find the Best Lists for Your HCP Digital Marketing Campaign
Finding HCP email lists for your digital marketing campaigns means considering targeting, cleanliness, sender reputation, cost, support, and segmentation.
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Challenges of Marketing a New Pharmaceutical
Challenges of marketing new pharmaceuticals include reaching the right audience, keeping them informed, building trust, following regulations, and more.
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Email Performance Reporting: A Critical Component of HCP Marketing
Effective email performance reporting provides valuable insights and identifies market trends to help improve your email campaigns.
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What to Do After an HCP Marketing Campaign
After deploying your marketing campaign, reinforce your message on different channels, monitor results, tweak your approach, and replicate the process.
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Tailoring Your HCP Marketing to Nurse Navigators
In the competitive healthcare industry, tailoring your B2B marketing strategies to nurse navigators is crucial for building trust and driving engagement.
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How Long Should a HCP Marketing Campaign Run?
HCP marketing campaigns usually run for at least three to six months, but can vary based on goals, audience size, budget, and targeted marketing channels.
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How Marketing to Healthcare Professionals (HCPs) Differs From Marketing to Consumers
Marketing to HCPs and to consumers differs in audiences,, marketing strategies, preferred communication channels, and certainly in message.
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Why Direct Mail Remains a Key Strategy in Marketing to Healthcare Providers
Email was supposed to destroy direct mail, instead, it’s here to stay. Here’s why you should utilize direct mail campaigns in your HCP marketing strategy.
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