PDQ Insights

Essential Healthcare Marketing Strategies & Tactics to Maximize Your Results
Stay ahead of the curve with effective healthcare marketing strategies and tactics designed to help you reach and engage your HCP audience while maximizing results.
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The Most Important Pieces of a Successful HCP Marketing Strategy
The most important aspects of a successful HCP marketing strategy include targeting the right audience, maintaining your contact and mailing lists, and more.
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Most Impactful HCP Engagement Strategies
Effective HCP engagement combines targeted content, on-demand resources, seamless communications, creative direct mail, and streamlined automation.
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Non-Personal Promotion (NPP): Examples, Trends & Challenges
NPPs encompass engagement and communication channels used to connect with audiences, and have largely replaced face-to-face interactions in HCP marketing.
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Engaging Direct Mail Ideas to Target HCPs
The most engaging direct mail elements include scratch-offs, 3D pop-ups, slide out and pull away displays, and more.
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The Key Elements of Physician Segmentation & Targeting, Explained
Successful physician segmentation and targeting considers factors such as prescribing behavior, claims data, and preferred methods of contact, among others.
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The Benefits of Using Automation in Your HCP Marketing
Healthcare marketers can leverage automation for segmentation, lead management, email marketing, and workflows to achieve better results.
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Measuring the Success of an HCP Marketing Campaign
The most important KPIs for HCP campaigns include open rates, website engagement, customer acquisition cost, customer lifetime value, conversion rates, MQLs, and ROI.
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The Top 4 HCP Marketing Strategies to Pay Attention to in 2024
Elevate HCP marketing in 2024 and beyond with enhanced personalization, content marketing, direct mail, and an omni-channel approach.
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Positioning Your Direct-to-Physician Marketing Campaigns for Success
Targeting the right HCP audience, utilizing the most effective communication channels, and measuring your success are critical aspects of direct-to-physician marketing.
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Why You Should Be Marketing to Nurses
HCP marketers should include nurses in their marketing strategies because of their importance to the healthcare field, influence, and accessibility.
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Marketing to Specialty Pharmacies
Tailoring your messaging to emphasize how your products and services improve patient outcomes can help you successfully market to specialty pharmacies.
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How to Find the Best Lists for Your HCP Digital Marketing Campaign
Finding HCP email lists for your digital marketing campaigns means considering targeting, cleanliness, sender reputation, cost, support, and segmentation.
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Challenges of Marketing a New Pharmaceutical
Challenges of marketing new pharmaceuticals include reaching the right audience, keeping them informed, building trust, following regulations, and more.
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Email Performance Reporting: A Critical Component of HCP Marketing
Effective email performance reporting provides valuable insights and identifies market trends to help improve your email campaigns.
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What to Do After an HCP Marketing Campaign
After deploying your marketing campaign, reinforce your message on different channels, monitor results, tweak your approach, and replicate the process.
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Tailoring Your HCP Marketing to Nurse Navigators
In the competitive healthcare industry, tailoring your B2B marketing strategies to nurse navigators is crucial for building trust and driving engagement.
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How Long Should a HCP Marketing Campaign Run?
HCP marketing campaigns usually run for at least three to six months, but can vary based on goals, audience size, budget, and targeted marketing channels.
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How Marketing to Healthcare Professionals (HCPs) Differs From Marketing to Consumers
Marketing to HCPs and to consumers differs in audiences,, marketing strategies, preferred communication channels, and certainly in message.
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Why Direct Mail Remains a Key Strategy in Marketing to Healthcare Providers
Email was supposed to destroy direct mail, instead, it’s here to stay. Here’s why you should utilize direct mail campaigns in your HCP marketing strategy.
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15 Best Practices for Increasing Marketing Email Engagement Among Healthcare Professionals
PDQ Communications has compiled these 15 best practices to help increase audience engagement among your HCPs using email marketing.
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The PDQ Story: More Than 20 Years of Healthcare Communications Excellence
PDQ reflects on its origins and twenty years of providing best-in-class HCP marketing solutions to its clients.
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What Are Sequential & Trigger Marketing Campaigns for HCPs?
Sequential marketing uses a series of marketing campaigns to highlight your brand’s value, while trigger marketing is an automated response approach.
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The Future of HCP Direct Mail Part 3: Memorable Printing Finishes
Some of the most memorable paper finishes to elevate your HCP direct mail campaigns include gloss, cockle, embossed, laid, matte, linen, and silk.
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How Often Should I Send HCP Marketing Communications?
Healthcare marketers should deploy direct mail at a frequency of about once every 21 days, and emails once or twice a month, depending on audience interest levels.
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How HCP Marketers Can Overcome Digital Fatigue
Utilizing multiple communication channels, personalizing content, and taking a unique approach to campaigns are several ways marketers can successfully address digital fatigue among their target audiences.
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The Future of HCP Direct Mail Part 2: Dimensional & Interactive Mailers
Dimensional and interactive mailers are great, creative ways to connect with HCP marketers, and more memorable and engaging than traditional flat mail.
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How to Target the Right Healthcare Audience
Targeting the right HCP audience involves understanding who your products and services are geared toward, identifying your ideal recipients, and segmenting based on prescribing behavior and other factors to ensure higher engagement.
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The Biggest Challenges (and Solutions) in Healthcare Marketing 
The biggest challenges in healthcare marketing include reaching the right HCPs, gaining trust and brand loyalty, keeping your audience engaged and informed, overcoming digital fatigue, and navigating the healthcare marketing industry.
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How to Track Your Direct Mail Campaigns
The best ways to track your direct mail campaigns are to utilize calls to action and measure response rates from QR code scans, URL links, tracking phone calls, coupon codes, and audience surveys.
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The Future of HCP Direct Mail Part 1: QR Codes
QR codes are an effective means of streamlining communication with your healthcare prospects by conveniently directing them to your online content.
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The Top Three HCP Marketing Trends for 2023
The biggest HCP marketing trends for 2023 include prioritizing digital marketing initiatives, new technology such as AI, and a renewed focus on creating personalized experiences.
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What Do Physicians Value Most in Marketing Materials
Physicians value content that is informative and data driven, short and concise, highly personalized, and presented in convenient formats such as mailers and downloads.
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The Latest in Engagement Programs for Direct Mail HCP Campaigns
The latest trends in healthcare professionals (HCP) direct mail marketing include promoting easier interactions, taking advantage of the tactile experience, implementing omni-channel strategies, personalizing your messaging, and offering Informed Delivery services.
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Why NPs & PAs Are Important Segments in HCP Marketing
Nurse practitioners and physician assistants have more independence and influence on prescribing habits, ample proximity to patients and physicians, and are a widely underrepresented demographic in HCP marketing.
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Email Marketing Challenges: Mobiling Up, Testing & Avoiding Spam Filters
The latest email marketing challenges include optimizing content for mobile devices, testing the aspects of your campaign, and avoiding spam filters.
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Direct Mail vs. Email Marketing: Which Is Right for Your HCP Campaign?
While direct mail and email are both effective marketing methods, the best way to reach your HCP audience, reinforce your messaging, and leave a long-lasting impression is to utilize a combination of the two.
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Signs It's Time to Switch HCP Marketing Partners
If your HCP marketing partner doesn’t regularly update or maintain their mailing lists, reach the right audience, use direct mail and email marketing, stimulate engagement, or track the right metrics for your business, it may be time to switch.
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How Long is an HCP Email List Good For?
An email list can be good for years, as long as you track campaign metrics and scrub for erroneous or inactive contacts about every six months.
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Direct Mail Ideas That Will Leave a Lasting Impression
A direct mail campaign is more impactful and leaves a more lasting impression when it is personalized, customized, creative, and informative.
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PDQ-FirstWord Podcast Series ‘From Conference Rooms to Zooms’ Looks to the Future of HCP Marketing Post-COVID-19
On the third and final episode of our podcast series, PDQ’s Kevin Kingree and Novo Nordisk’s Wesley van den Heuvel discuss the changes HCP marketers have undergone and what the future of the industry may look like post-COVID-19.
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PDQ-FirstWord Podcast Series ‘From Conference Rooms to Zooms’ Spotlights How COVID-19 Has Reshaped the Role of the Pharma Marketer
On the second edition of our podcast series, PDQ’s Kevin Kingree and ViiV Healthcare’s Mary Andrews discuss how the pandemic has modified the duties of pharma marketers, and what this evolution means for the industry moving forward.
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PDQ-FirstWord Podcast Series ‘From Conference Rooms to Zooms’ Highlights How COVID-19 Impacted Pharma Marketing
The inaugural episode of our podcast series features PDQ’s Kevin Kingree and Compas, Inc.’s Nicole Woodland-DeVan discussing the challenges and strategies of the pharmaceutical marketing industry in navigating the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Pharmaceutical Marketing Effectiveness: What the Data Says
The efficacy of your pharmaceutical marketing strategy largely depends on its implementation, measuring and monitoring a campaign’s progress, ensuring your return on investment, and taking a multi-channeled approach that includes targeted direct mail and email.
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What Some of the Best Pharma Campaigns Have In Common
The best pharma campaigns use audience targeting and segmentation, a multi-channel approach, unique calls-to-actions, and a professional marketing partner.
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Top Considerations When Marketing to HCPs
Effective pharmaceutical marketing demands defining your goals and target audience, updating and reinvesting in your digital presence, and producing relevant, high- quality content.
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Free & Cheap Physician Email Lists: Advice & What to Be Aware Of
Free or low-cost HCP email lists may seem appealing, but can often be ineffective at generating healthcare leads in the long run. Finding the best list for your HCP digital marketing campaign means considering the list's size, cleanliness, segmentation and provider.
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How to Achieve Effective HCP Targeting Through Direct Mail Campaigns
The quality of your HCP marketing campaign depends heavily on how well it targets your audience. Leveraging direct mail, especially with the help of a qualified partner, is an effective method of leaving the right impression on the right people.
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The PDQ Guide: How To Market To Doctors
Learn more about the benefits of multi-channel marketing, targeting the right audience, and more in this quick guide on how to market to doctors.
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How to Source the Best List for Your Healthcare E-mail Campaign
Identifying your target audience, segmenting contacts, conducting research, ensuring your lists are clean, and working with a firm that utilizes proven deployment tactics will help you find the best healthcare provider email marketing list.
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The Most Effective Ways of Marketing to Healthcare Providers
Direct mail, email marketing, digital newsletters, editorial content, and personalization are among the most effective ways to market to healthcare providers.
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Is Your Physician Emailing List Clean?
Adhering to compliance standards, utilizing third-party authentication and physician-provided data, and regularly conducting audits are several effective ways to maintain clean physician mailing lists.
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How to Maximize the Effectiveness of Your Well-Segmented Pharmaceutical Marketing Campaign
Optimal pharmaceutical marketing campaign segmentation entails conducting internal and external research, and organizing contacts by geography, demographics, psychographics, and behavior.
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HCP Marketing During COVID-19 Part 3: Making An Impact After Video Meetings
Face-to-face meetings are out. You worry that video just isn't as effective. Here's how to make it work and stick in your prospects' minds.
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HCP Marketing During COVID-19 Part 2: As Marketers Everywhere Pivot, How To Make Your Message Stand Out
The novel coronavirus has changed the healthcare marketing landscape for everyone. Here's how to be the best at post-lockdown marketing.
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How To Build A Pharma Brand Through Direct Marketing
The future of pharmaceutical marketing is highly personalized and based on brand recognition. Here's how to use direct marketing to build your pharma brand.
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HCP Marketing During COVID-19 Part 1: Using Direct And Email Marketing
COVID-19 has changed the way the world works almost overnight, and marketing needs have changed with it. Here's how PDQ Communications can help you adapt.
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How an Effective Call to Action Can Improve Email Conversion Rates
When marketing to healthcare professionals for improved conversion rates, it’s best to include a well-placed, urgent call to action that’s easy to understand, mobile-device compatible, and effectively communicates value proposition.
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5 Tactics to Refresh Your Email Marketing Campaign
Updating your email marketing strategies with elements such as mobile device compatibility, embedded video, personalization and automation, and data privacy measures can help your campaign resonate with healthcare professionals.
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New Challenges When Marketing to Ophthalmologists
As the ophthalmology industry changes, ophthalmologists face new challenges, such as managing increasing costs, meeting increasing patient expectations, and shifting patient demographics. Marketers must adapt accordingly.
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Personalized Email Marketing: Going Beyond, Hello Dr. John Doe
Personalized marketing utilizes dynamic content and extremely relevant emails to targeted recipients to achieve maximum engagement.
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Physician Associates Need To Be On Your Marketing Radar
Physician associates continue to gain prominence in the healthcare space, with greater influence on prescribing behavior and patient care, better utilization of digital technology, and more.
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4 Ways to Improve Your Healthcare Marketing Efforts
Focusing on engagement, crafting clear and concise messaging that provides true value, and utilizing preheader text are among several impactful ways to improve your healthcare marketing efforts.
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